Building your DMO

Like most fitness enthusiasts you probably like to push yourself in the gym and feel the burn of a hard workout.

But what happens when that intensity comes at a cost? Not taking steps to recover properly can do more harm than good. So remember to listen to your body.

This quick guide will detail what really matters when it comes to recovery. That way, you can focus on doing the right things and doing your best every day.

Read below for more information.

What is recovery?

As any athlete knows, recovery is the key to success. So after a training session, it’s important to have time to rest and recover.

But what exactly is recovery? And what can you do to help your body recover effectively?

Recovery is the process of rebuilding and repairing after strenuous activity. It helps restore energy levels, repair muscles, and remove waste and toxins from the body.

Taking the time to focus on recovery allows your body to meet the demands of your workout so you can continue making progress!

This means you are one step closer to your fitness goals.

So what does recovery actually involve?

Rest may be the first thing that comes to mind, but there is more to it.

In fact, there are a few things that are important to recovering from physical activity.

That is:

1. meal
2. Water
3. Sleep
4. Stress management
5 hours.

Let’s look at each one individually.


Water is essential and when out of balance it affects all key areas of our wellness. Aiming to drink at least 3L is ideal. Dehydration is common so aim to sip regularly throughout the day. Especially after a workout as your organs need to recover and create balance.


What do you think is the most important factor in recovery? Are you calm and hydrated? 8-hour break? All of these things are important, but the food is absolutely essential to recovery.

That’s right, without proper nutrition, your body cannot properly repair itself after strenuous exercise.

Just like your car needs the right fuel to run properly, your body needs the right nutrients to recover from strenuous activity.

Probably the most important nutrient in our diet is protein.

Protein is essential for the body, building most tissues, enzymes, and hormones, so you need to find quality protein sources and include them in your diet regularly. A general recommendation is 0.8 to 1 g of protein per kg of body weight, primarily high protein products.

However, you can make a habit of eating three high-protein meals a day without counting calories.

This is a good start!


Sleep is essential to our daily lives, but we can’t get enough of it.

A good night’s sleep is essential for our bodies to recover from daytime activities, especially training activities. When we sleep, our bodies are better able to repair damaged cells and tissues, and our memories of the day are also strengthened.

This means that quality sleep is essential for proper rest.

If we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies can’t recover properly and we can feel the effects of fatigue.

If you feel tired during the day, get extra sleep at night (at least 6-7 hours total sleep).

And take a power nap every now and then if you want!


Last but not least, recovery from workout to workout is all about giving your body enough time.

In general, high-intensity resistance-based workouts require the body to rest for 48-96 hours before retraining the same muscle groups. Combine this with good food, hydration, and sleep and you’ll be well-tuned (and benefited!).


So how do we optimize recovery? What are some important considerations?

We’ve outlined the basics, but if you need more specific information or advice tailored to your needs, please contact us.

The faster you recover, the sooner you can get back to the gym and start seeing results!